More Easter Pictures 
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Auntie Dana and Baby Christopher pose with Eric and Courtney - and we managed to coax a smile out of little Courtney!

Dad and Courtney - this time she's not smiling... and Dad's got his standard, pained, "well if I must smile for the camera here goes" kind of look.

Now here's a genuine smile from Pop-pop.  I think that's because he's in a picture with Sugar.  Yeah, yeah, his only grandson is in the picture, too, but - hey - this is Sugar we're talking about!

All 3 girlies playing on a train-seesaw.  Somehow we made it through a day of playing on a seesaw with only one kid (Shelby) falling off, and she wasn't even bruised.

Shelby and Amanda posing in the driveway.  Shelby had never ridden a scooter before, but she seemed to really enjoy it - and she was pretty good at it as well!  Better than Hayley, that's for sure.

Hayley had fun riding the tricycle - she didn't really use the pedals, but kind of used her feet against the ground, Flintstone style.

And, Daddy couldn't resist trying out the scooter.  It was really a little too small for him...

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